Information for Jamaican Community Colleges

Since 1992, the Preliminary Chemistry courses (C 06J/C 06K) have
been offered at several Jamaican Community Colleges.
The location of these colleges is shown above and the addresses
of the contact personnel are:
1. Dr Paul Reese
The Department of Chemistry
University Of The West Indies
Mona, Kingston 7
Fax (876)-977-1835
2. Mrs. Joan McLeod Thomas
Excelsior Community College
137 Mountain View Avenue
Kingston 3
Fax (876)-938-0747
3. Ms Sophia Ritchie
Knox Community College
Fax (876)-987-8048
4. Mr. David Peterkin
Brown's Town Community College
Huntley Road
Brown's Town
St Ann
Fax (876)-975-2096
5. Mr Paul Graham
Montego Bay Community College
Alice Eldemire Drive
Montego Bay 2
St James
Fax (876)-979-8776
In the future, as more and more of these institutions get
connected, it is hoped that they will be able to access
information stored on the Chemistry Web server.
For example, to view detailed copies of course outlines or tutorial papers etc.
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Copyright (c) 2002 by Robert John Lancashire,
all rights reserved.
Created and maintained by Dr. Robert J.
The Department of Chemistry, University of the West Indies,
Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica
Created August 1995. Links checked and/or last
modified 16th July 2002.