T.P. Dasgupta
B.Sc. Calcutta, India
M.Sc. Bihar., D.Phil. Calcutta, India, C.Chem,. FRSC.
Emeritus Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
Research Interests
1) Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms. The Department
has been recognised internationally for its outstanding research
work in Reaction Mechanisms. Nearly 100 papers were published in
this field
Other fields of interest in our group are:
a) Synthesis and Reactivity of Novel Polynuclear
b) Electron Transfer involving Biological
c) Toxic substances in Foods
d) Degradation of pesticides in tropical
e) Nitric Oxide releasing compounds and their
biological applications
Selected publications (last 5
- 109 "A family of active iridium catalysts for transfer
hydrogenation of ketones". Organometallics, 25, 1240
- 110. "Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between the
Di-μ-cyanobis[tetracyanoferrate(III)] complex ion and sulfite
in aqueous solution." Inorg. Chim. Acta. 360, 2284
- 111. "The Crystal Structure of a bis(2,6-pyridinecarboxylato)
chromate(III) anion with an elaborate network of hydrogen bonding
and π stacking" J. Chem.Crystallography, 37, 309
- 112. "Analysis and Quantification of Acrylamide in Jamaican
Foods by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry". Jamaican J.
of Science and Tech. 18, 64 (2007).
- 113. "The Effect of S-Nitroso-N-Acetylpenicillamine and
S-Nitroso-Captopril co-administered with cysteine on blood
Glucose concentrationin an animal model". Amer.J. Biochem.
Biotech. , 4(3), 265 (2008) (with S. Campbell, R.
Alxander-Lindo, D. McGrowder, and L. Gordon).
- 114. Dynamic studies of transnitrosation of thiols of
biological importance by the Nitrosated
4,4',4'',4'''-tetrasulfophthalocyaninecobaltate(III) anion in
aqueous solution. Biophysical Chemistry 141,
198(2009).(with R. Brown and P. Maragh)
- 115. The effect of S-nitrosocaptopril and
s-nitroso-N-Acetyl-D,L-penicoillamine on blood glucose
concentration and haemodynamic parameters. J. Applied
Biomedicine 7,241 (2009) (with S. Campbell, R.
Alexander-Lindo, D. McGrowder).
- 116 Assessing the Levels of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
(MTBE), Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (TBA),and Benzene, Toluene,
Ethylbenzene and Xylene (BTEX) in Jamaican Ground Water by Purge
and Trap Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. Jamaican
Journal of Science and Technology, 2-12, 19 (2010).
- 117 Kinetics and mechanism of the aquation of a series of
mixed-metal oxo-centred trinuclear cations,
+, (R = H, CH3, CH3CH2,
(CH3)2CH in perchloric acid media.
J.Cord.Chem.63, 2517 (2010).
- 118 The effect of nitric oxide inhibitors and s-nitrosothiols
on hemodynamic parameters in an animal model.Open Access Animal
Physiology 3, 1-8 (2011).(with S. Bryan, Ruby
Alexander-Lindo and Donovan McGrowder.
- 119. The Effect of Nitric Oxide inhibitors and s-nitroso-N-
acetylpenicillamine on glucose concentration in an animal model.
J.Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 2,
80(2011).(with S. Bryan, Ruby Laexander-Lindo and Donovan
- 120 Mechanistic studies on the intramolecular electron
transfer in an adduct species of the oxo-centred trinuclear
iron(III) cation and L-ascorbic acid in aqueous solution. Mark A.
W. Lawrence, Sonia E. Thomas, Paul T. Maragh; Transition Met.
Chem.36, 553-563 (2011)
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Created and maintained by Prof. Robert J.
The Department of Chemistry, University of the West Indies,
Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica.
Created Feb 1995. Last modified 13th January 2012.
URL http://wwwchem.uwimona.edu.jm/chtd.html