C 23J PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (4 Credits) (Semester I)

C 10J and C 10K
Kinetic factors influencing the rates of chemical change in complex reacting systems. Theories of reaction rates. Methods of determining the rates of fast reactions.
Quantum Mechanics - Existence and occupation of discrete energy levels; properties of orbitals in atoms and molecules.
Polymers, Colloids and Surfaces - Kinetic models for chain and stepwise polymerisation. Methods of determining the relative molar mass (RMM) of polymers. The relationship between RMM and properties of polymers. Adsorption of gases of solid surfaces. Determination of surface areas of absorbents.
A practical course of 36 hours.

C 33J PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (4 Credits) (Semester II)

C 10J and C10K
Thermodynamics of open systems. Chemical potentials, application to ideal gases, liquid mixtures (ideal and regular solutions). Electrochemical theories of ion-ion interactions. Cell potentials and their applications. Spectroscopy and Photochemistry. Rotational, vibrational and Raman spectroscopy for diatomic and non-linear molecules. UV/visible spectra for diatomic molecules - electronic transitions; dissociation energies, Franck-Condon principle. Collisional processes and energy changes in electronically excited atoms and molecules.
A practical course of 36 hours.

C33K CHEMISTRY OF POLYMERS (4 Credits) (Semester I)

C23J and C33J
Polymers - Classification, synthesis, molar mass and distribution. Step-growth polymerisation, control of molar mass. Free radical addition polymerisation; Initiators and terminators, chain growth. Steady state kinetics. Thermodynamics of radical polymerisation. Cationic and anionic polymerisation-general characteristics. Copolymerisation, block copolymers, graft copolymers, ionomers. Stereochemical features of polymerisation. Polymers in solution. Crystalline, amorphous and elastomeric states. Structure - property relationships.
A practical course of 36 hours.

C 33L THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY (4 Credits) (Semester I)

C 23J and C 33J
Statistical thermodynamics. Molecular orbital theory and its applications. Computational methods in theoretical chemistry.
Practical work is of the following form: Students are required to attain a satisfactory level of performance in the use of computational methods in solving problems in theoretical chemistry.
Students will be required to satisfy the Examiners in both the written paper and the practical work separately.

C 33M PROPERTIES OF MATTER (4 Credits) (Semester II)

C 23J and C 33J
The structure of solids, liquids and gases. The properties of surfaces and colloids. Intermolecular forces, van der Waals interactions equations of state for non-ideal gases. Structure of solids. X-ray diffraction for determining structure. Structure of liquids. Electrical properties of solids and liquids, polarizability, refractive index, optical activity. Magnetic properties. Transport properties, Surface Chemistry, Thermodynamics of surfaces. Modern methods for studying surfaces. Kinetics of surface reactions.
A practical course of 36 hours.


C 23J and C 33J
Photochemistry - fluorescence, phosphorescence and delayed fluorescence from large organic molecules. Flash photolysis techniques. Quenching of singlet and triplet states including collisional quenching by oxygen and paramagnetic ions in solution. Introduction to basic principles and instrumentation for spectroscopic techniques eg. NMR, EPR (ESR), Mass Spectroscopy, Lasers, FTIR etc.
Nuclear reactions, Applications in x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and neutron activation analysis. Dating and tracer applications. Electrode kinetics, mass transfer to electrodes, techniques for measuring electrode kinetics. Topics in electroanalytical chemistry.
A practical course of 36 hours.
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Copyright © 2004 by Robert John Lancashire, all rights reserved.

Created and maintained by Prof. Robert J. Lancashire
The Department of Chemistry, University of the West Indies,
Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica.

Created Feb 1995. Links checked and/or last modified 26th August 2004.
URL http://wwwchem.uwimona.edu.jm/chemug2p.html