CXC pass at level 2, or its equivalent.
Introduction to Chemistry. Atomic theory of matter. Electronic configuration of the elements. The Periodic Table and related studies. The mole concept and stoichiometry. Chemical bonding and molecular geometry.
The characteristics and properties of matter. Properties of solutions. Chemical Energetics - the First Law of Thermodynamics; Enthalpy and its calculation.
The chemistry of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.
A practical course of 60 hours.
  Two 2-hour written papers   70%
  Course work                 15%
  Practical work              15%

Practical work is assessed throughout the duration of the course. Students whose practical work is considered to be unsatisfactory are required to sit a practical examination of not more than six hours duration. Candidates must provide the ORIGINAL notebooks of their laboratory work at the practical examination. These must be certified by the laboratory course Supervisor and may be taken into consideration by the Examiners.


CXC pass at level 2, or its equivalent.
Properties and Reactivity of Main Group Elements and their compounds. Transition Metal Elements and their compounds. Coordination compounds.
Kinetics - rates of chemical reactions. Principles of Electrochemistry. Chemical Equilibrium and its application.
A functional group approach to the chemistry of organic compounds - alkyl halides, alcohols, ethers, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids and their derivatives and amines.
A practical course of 72 hours.
  Two 2-hour written papers   70%
  Course Work                 15%
  Practical work              15%
Practical work is assessed throughout the duration of the course. Students whose practical work is considered to be unsatisfactory are required to sit a practical examination of not more than six hours duration. Candidates must provide the ORIGINAL notebooks of their laboratory work at the practical examination. These must be certified by the laboratory course Supervisor and may be taken into consideration by the Examiners.


C 10J INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY A (4 Credits)(Semester I)

C 06J and C 06K or GCE A-level Chemistry (pass at level D) or its equivalent.
Atomic theory. Interactions between atoms, ions and molecules. Crystal structures and symmetry elements. The Born-Haber cycle. Molecular Orbital theory for homo- and heteronuclear diatomic molecules.
Thermodynamics, Energetics and Molecular Strucure.
Aliphatic and Aromatic Chemistry - a mechanistic approach.
A practical course of 60 hours.
  Two 2-hour written papers   75%
  In-course test              10%
  Practical work              15%
Practical work is assessed throughout the duration of the course. Students whose practical work is considered to be unsatisfactory are required to sit a practical examination of not more than six hours duration. Candidates must provide the ORIGINAL notebooks of their laboratory work at the practical examination. These must be certified by the laboratory course Supervisor and may be taken into consideration by the Examiners.

C 10K INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY B (4 Credits) (Semester II)

C06J and C06K, or GCE A-level Chemistry (pass at level D) or its equivalent.

A detailed study of Main Group elements based on their position in the Periodic Table. The properties of oxygen and its compounds. Coordination compounds of First Row Transition Metal Elements and their stereochemical features.
Kinetics - order and molecularity. Enthalpy and Entropy of activation.
Synthesis and Reactions of functionalised organic compounds. An introduction to Aromatic Chemistry.
A practical course of 60 hours.

  Two 2-hour written papers   75%
  In-course test              10%
  Practical work              15%
Practical work is assessed throughout the duration of the course. Students whose practical work is considered to be unsatisfactory are required to sit a practical examination of not more than six hours duration. Candidates must provide the ORIGINAL notebooks of their laboratory work at the practical examination. These must be certified by the laboratory course Supervisor and may be taken into consideration by the Examiners.
Both C10J and C10K must be successfully completed before a student can proceed to Part II courses in Chemistry.

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Copyright © 2004 by Robert John Lancashire, all rights reserved.

Created and maintained by Prof. Robert J. Lancashire,
The Department of Chemistry, University of the West Indies,
Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica.
Created Sept 1994. Links checked and/or last modified 25th August 2004.